From processes to people: achieving quality

The recent Business Room held on 13.02.2025 was dedicated to the subject of people and quality and provided a unique opportunity for all participants to share their experiences and learn from each other in a friendly knowledge-sharing environment. This event was hosted by Vinçotte Luxembourg.

Following the discussion with all participants, we published this report.

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Performance indicators and quality measurement

The definition and monitoring of performance indicators are key elements in guaranteeing the effectiveness of quality procedures. It is necessary to have reliable tools that enable the impact of the actions implemented to be evaluated in real time. The use of dynamic dashboards provides an overall and up-to-date view of performance. The focus must be on the relevance of the selected indicators so that they truly reflect the areas for improvement and contribute to informed decision-making.

The discussion centred around the challenge of identifying how this can be achieved. In this context, it is essential to define a common understanding of what a quality culture entails.

A quality culture involves building a culture of trust, participation and communication where quality goals are supported by employee participation. The goal is to sustainably produce and improve quality by implementing perspectives from management that involve and affect the entire workforce.

Developing a quality culture requires a long-term commitment and continuous efforts in terms of awareness-raising and training. The involvement of employees and their understanding of the benefits associated with quality are essential to creating an environment conducive to continuous improvement.

Customer complaints or internal feedback should not be regarded as mere criticism, but rather as valuable opportunities to identify areas for improvement and refine internal processes. Establishing an ongoing dialogue with stakeholders helps to strengthen transparency and ensure adherence to quality principles.

To quote one participant: “Complaints are much more valuable for improving your system than five-star reviews”.

Here are some statistics to underline the importance and advantage of adopting a quality culture:

Increased innovation and error reduction 💡⚙️

  • Positive organizational culture fosters innovation and customer service, leading to a competitive edge.
  • High-quality relationships and psychological safety in the workplace enhance learning from failures, contributing to continuous improvement. 

Establishing a robust quality culture within an organization leads to significant financial benefits. Key statistics highlighting this impact include:

Enhanced Financial Performance 📊💵

  • ISO 9001 Certification Benefits: An analysis of 42 studies indicated that organizations implementing ISO 9001 standards experienced enhanced financial performance. Specifically, certified companies achieved a superior return on assets compared to non-certified ones. 

Improved Financial Reporting Quality  📝🔍

  • The influence of an organisational culture: A positive organizational culture has been linked to high-quality financial reporting. Studies have found that a collaborative culture is associated with a lower likelihood of reporting material internal control weaknesses, thereby enhancing the accuracy and transparency of financial data. 

In summary, fostering a quality culture not only enhances operational efficiency but also leads to significant financial improvements, including increased profitability and improved financial reporting.

L'approche de MindForest

Notre approche est basée sur une combinaison d'outils visuels pragmatiques et sur notre expérience de plus de 20 ans dans l'accompagnement d'équipes et dans le domaine de la gestion du changement avec une équipe d'experts. en charge du soutien humain, organisationnel et stratégique. Ils travaillent ensemble pour fournir des solutions innovantes afin de stimuler l'engagement des employés et d'augmenter la productivité de votre organisation.


Guy Kerger

Associé gérant

Carole Brochard

Senior consultant

+352 43 93 66 6770

MindForest S.A
34, rue Michel Rodange L-2430 Luxembourg

Qu'est-ce que le concept Business Room de MindForest ?

Afin de garantir la confidentialité des discussions, l'accès à cette table ronde se fait sur invitation personnelle et les discussions se dérouleront à huis clos, sans couverture médiatique.
MindForest joue un rôle d'initiateur et de facilitateur de débats, en fournissant un cadre pour aborder des sujets difficiles et trouver des réponses innovantes.

L'objectif de l'Espace Entreprises est de réunir:
1. Spécialistes/décideurs d'entreprise, dont l'activité principale consiste à soutenir les entreprises dans leurs initiatives
2. Les entreprises qui ont été touchées par le problème, pour parler de leur expérience et de ce qu'elles ont pu manquer.

MindForest mène la discussion et souligne le fait que la brique culturelle est essentielle aux fondations de chaque entreprise.
MindForest souligne également que la dimension humaine ne doit pas être négligée et doit être prise en compte tout au long du processus de chaque transformation.


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