The Chamber of Commerce the supports the creation, development and international expansion of companies in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and defends their interests as their official and independent voice. It currently counts 90,000 member companies, representing 75% of total salaried employment and 80% of Luxembourg’s GDP. It brings together all Luxembourg companies, except those belonging to the craft and agricultural sectors. Through its actions, initiatives and positions, the Chamber of Commerce always aims at representing the collective interest of its members. It only takes sectoral interests into account on condition that they are not detrimental to those of all its members.

The Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce publishes its magazine Merkur every two months, with a circulation of 37,000 copies. It reflects the activities and current affairs of all the sectors that make up the country’s economy, featuring in-depth articles written by experts in French or English.
To meet the demand of its readers, who had used a satisfaction survey to express their wish to have access to practical, quantified information, which could be used directly to develop their business or to respond to concerns directly linked to their daily activity, the Chamber of Commerce called upon MindForest to design and create a collection of themed practical guides.
For the past two years, the Merkur magazine has been periodically accompanied by a “practical guide” which, in 24 infographic pages, outlines the situation on a given subject. Six guides have already been published: on the subjects of apprenticeship, teleworking, e-commerce, cybersecurity, internationalisation and e-invoicing. They can be downloaded or ordered online, free of charge, via the Chamber of Commerce website.

MindForest works closely with the editorial team of Merkur magazine to define the framework of each edition and to propose content that blends information and illustration. The biggest challenge is to make complex, sometimes technical or legal, subjects accessible and understandable, by providing the right information, so that companies can get started and then gain a deeper understanding of the subject thanks to the sources and contacts provided in the guide.
MindForest’s main objectives for this mission are to:
Address a topic
by identifying its most important elements, dealing with it in such a way as to systematically put oneself in the place of a business leader
Simplify a subject
whatever its nature, without being reductive
Represent information visually
in order to make it easier to understand using matrices, diagrams, infographics, decision flows, etc.

Subject mapping coverage of a subject following the framework defined upstream for the practical guides: key figures for an understanding of the market, stakeholders, technical solutions, prices, risks and opportunities, concrete steps to follow, advice and good practices from peers, etc.
Information design consisting in structuring the content to be delivered and proposing a design that combines information and visual representation, in order to achieve a result that is both rich in content and visually appealing.
Interviews with companies that have experience in the topic, in order to provide testimonials and practical advice for companies that would like to follow the same path.

as evidenced by a satisfaction survey conducted in October 2021: 87.5% of respondents found the guides quite or very useful.
As pointed out by 95% of respondents, who also consider the information to be useful or even exclusive.

with the Chamber of Commerce providing MindForest with access to their experts on each subject. They determine the focus of the work and validate the content prepared, in close collaboration with the project team.
in writing educational and intelligible content, as well as in the design and production of infographics and illustrations.
and the flexibility provided by the in-house graphics studio, which avoids intermediaries and issues with production deadlines and allows us to adapt to the release dates of the Merkur magazine.